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Scanning Eye Surface

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that can significantly impact vision, but early detection and proper treatment are crucial for managing this disorder. Fortunately, the Khanna Vision Institute is at the forefront of revolutionizing keratoconus diagnosis and treatment with its groundbreaking Scanning Eye Surface technology.

This advanced imaging system provides an unprecedented level of detail and precision when it comes to mapping the cornea, the transparent front part of the eye. By capturing high-resolution images of the eye’s surface, the Scanning Eye Surface technology can identify even the slightest irregularities or distortions that may indicate the presence of keratoconus.

Unlike traditional methods, the Scanning Eye Surface goes beyond simply measuring the curvature of the cornea. It provides a comprehensive, three-dimensional analysis of the entire eye surface, allowing for a more accurate and earlier diagnosis of keratoconus. This early detection is crucial, as it enables the implementation of effective treatment strategies to halt the progression of the condition and preserve the patient’s vision.

Scanning the Eye Surface


Scanning the eye surface allows for detailed mapping of the corneal topography and tomography. This information is vital for diagnosing keratoconus, monitoring its progression, and customizing contact lenses to ensure optimal fit and vision correction.

Techniques for Scanning the Eye Surface

Corneal Topography:

Function: Corneal topography maps the surface curvature of the cornea. It provides a detailed image of the corneal shape, highlighting areas of steepening and flattening typical in keratoconus.

How it works:

The patient looks into a device that projects concentric rings of light onto the cornea. The device captures the reflected light and analyzes the pattern to create a color-coded map of the cornea.

Applications: Topography is used to detect early signs of keratoconus, monitor its progression, and assist in fitting RGP and hybrid lenses by providing precise curvature data.

Corneal Tomography:


Corneal tomography provides a three-dimensional image of the cornea, including both the front and back surfaces. It offers a more comprehensive analysis compared to topography alone.

How it works:

Devices like the Pentacam or Orbscan use rotating Scheimpflug cameras or slit-scanning technology to capture multiple images of the cornea. These images are then compiled to create a detailed 3D model.


Tomography is particularly useful for assessing the full extent of corneal thinning and irregularity in keratoconus. It helps in diagnosing and tracking the disease more accurately and is essential for fitting scleral lenses.

Wavefront Aberrometry:


Wavefront aberrometry measures how light is distorted as it passes through the eye. This technique identifies higher-order aberrations caused by the irregular corneal shape in keratoconus.

How it works:

A wavefront sensor captures the light rays as they exit the eye after passing through the cornea and lens. The resulting data reveals the optical imperfections of the eye.


Wavefront data is used to customize contact lenses further and can aid in improving visual outcomes by addressing specific optical aberrations.

Benefits of Scanning the Eye Surface

Accurate Diagnosis:

Detailed maps and 3D models of the cornea enable early and precise diagnosis of keratoconus.

Customized Treatment: Data from these scans allow eye care professionals to design and fit contact lenses that match the unique contours of the patient’s cornea, enhancing comfort and visual acuity.

Monitoring Progression:

Regular scans help monitor the progression of keratoconus and adjust treatment plans as needed, ensuring timely interventions.

In a world where vision is so precious, the Scanning Eye Surface technology from the Khanna Vision Institute is a game-changer in the fight against keratoconus. With its unparalleled accuracy and its ability to revolutionize both diagnosis and treatment, this innovative approach is poised to transform the way we manage this challenging eye condition, ultimately empowering patients to maintain their visual acuity and quality of life.